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29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
US-NAFTA trade increases, trucks gain most of any mode
Two of five transportation modes, truck and pipeline, carried more U.S.-North American Free Trade Agreement freight in February than compared to the same time a year earlier, according to new U.S. Transportation Department figures.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
FMCSA sheds light on regulatory agenda
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration still expects to issue two notices of proposed rulemaking this year, one requiring speed limiters for vehicles with GVWs over 26,000 pounds and another establishing insurance standards for trucking companies, with a possible rulemaking effort regarding obstructive sleep apnea planned for either later this year or in early 2015.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
FMCSA proposes rule to allow electronic signatures on documents
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is proposing a rule change so carriers can sign and maintain important documents electronically. The proposal, part of an effort to cut paperwork, would codify a 2011 guidance in which the agency gave carriers the option of using electronic signatures and storing documents electronically. The agency said this move came in response to many requests to allow electronic methods for generating, signing and storing documents.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
FMCSA says ATRI restart analysis 'attempt to cloud' facts
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration called an analysis by the American Transportation Research Institute that disputed findings of the FMCSA's field study on the 34-hour restart rule "an attempt to cloud" the facts. ATRI had said that its earlier analysis took issue with several aspects of the agency's field study.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
Technology: To share or not to share
The dramatic increase in the use of technology within the trucking industry over the past two decades clearly affects strategies for success.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
FMCSA: Current insurance minimums for carriers 'inadequate,' new rule coming
The current $750,000 minimum liability insurance required to be held by carriers is too low, said the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration — and the agency plans to create a rule upping that minimum. In an agency report to Congress released, FMCSA concludes that the $750,000 liability limit set in 1985 does not "adequately cover catastrophic crashes" today, due chiefly to inflation and increased medical costs, the agency says.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
Could smartphones revolutionize logistics?
Smartphones and tablet computers have become ubiquitous, and although questions about their suitability for rugged applications remain, research conducted by DHL suggests that there is a legitimate place for consumer electronics in logistics.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
Think trucking's high-tech? You ain't seen nothin' yet
In the not too distant future, everything in a trucking company will be connected — not just a carrier's moving stock, but every device and piece of equipment within the operation.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
E-log mandate to push droves of drivers from trucking?
Could the implementation of the electronic logging device mandate cause huge numbers of drivers to simply bow out and leave the industry out of frustration with perceived overregulation? According to results from a recent survey done by Commercial Carrier Journal publisher Randall-Reilly, a big chunk of drivers are threatening to leave the industry if the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's proposed ELD mandate comes to fruition, which could be as early as 2016.
29 Apr 2014 09:57:25 CDT -
Florida a top ranked economy? Not so fast, report says
When it comes to economic rankings, especially by free-market leaning outfits, Florida often ranks near the top. It's a point of pride for Sunshine State lawmakers, even those typically opposed to low taxes and light business regulations.
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